Thursday 18 July 2013

Welcome to Kefodile Hope Pals

Kefodile Hope Pals was conceived after a post on Facebook on 15th July 2013 by Onnie Mary who was acknowledging all the contributions of all kind by her Facebook friends since 2009.
This Blog serves as a Hope Vine when the troubles consume you as an avalanche turn to Kefodile Hope Pals, Their stripes like a Zebra's are there to bring out the beauty of LIFE beyond misery and disease. Citizens of the globe, a handful made contributions in many ways word of mouth, financial, herbal, information, clothing, toys, etc. A Hope Vine is anything which you can grab a hold off and still get to keep your life.

These were most needed and hence it was an enlightenment for me today realizing that when help is given at the right time to the right person it does not matter how the giver sees it, to the recipient it's the greatest life transforming gift.

My own children wear second hand clothes and this is something which above all else that I do I wish to do more off especially at Christmas and when the capacity is fully expanded it becomes a birthday gift for the local kids who register or are identified.

Kefodile Hope Pals is something I wish could be an International Charity Body with emphasis on the sick, old, people with physical disabilities, a feeding, bathing  and clothing program for the mentally retarded ill who roam the streets of our villages focusing in Molepolole.  My wish is that it be managed by an INDEPENDENT  Board and it becomes registered legally according to the Law of Botswana as a Non- Profit Organization.

I see this as a reality because day in day out, people come to my home to ask for help, i do the best i can at all times. I have never seen any one come to ask for money, they ask for things bought with money. I share what I have when I have it. Its a little bit of a conflict because I seem to find it easy to share what is my and what is for the other family members(this is the only wrong part). I share my home and mostly I share my time.

In my dream is a Home where the sick can come with their caretakers, get the support they need during caring especially the meals. There would be a Doctor and a nurse and those who help with bathing and feeding of patients. Have you ever had to care for someone who is sick 24 hours a day for many days? I have? I cared for myself, in all the hours I imagined how it could have been for someone else to have to be there for me 24 hours a day? They would be worn out. I also visit with the Home-based carers to see the sick. Truthfully speaking there will always be someone who is sick who needs to be loved, and there will always be someone who is caring for a sick loved one who needs to be acknowledged and loved and supported. I believe the wellness of the sick rely fully on the ones who care for them. If they are worn out the patient's chance of survival is slim.

If it were possible, hands on life changing by each and every Kefodile Hope Pal  would in deed ensure that the Legacy of Nelson Mandela of  Devoting 67 minutes of our time. In his own words at the the launch of the campaign  "I am honored if such a day can serve to bring together people around the world to fight poverty and promote peace and reconciliation".

I truly know that only when we extend  the good we have experienced to other people we will all realize when it was our turn in need it truly was less of an urgency compared to when we give it. I always get to relive my own moments of pain when I am with one one who no longer wants the pain. Sharing the steps of ridding my self off the pain seems simple yet in its own profound way it is evidence that If I did it as a Kefodile Hope Pal, you too can do it and become a Kefodile Hope Pal. We are transformed wholly not for our own good, but to bear evidence that Yes It can be done. Each person's situation seems hard for the one observing and bearable for it bearer. I know I was worse, but today I know I am better off then as there was other strangers who was there to see me through to where I am today on 19/07/2013. Imagine in reality there are those who have no one, and who actually die because they have no one. I could have died too had there been no one around me. Even taking the time to share a story that uplifts is a devotion of Time, do not under estimate the power that comes with touching lives, it is always from the most insignificant acts which when weighed seem light as a feather yet the impact of positive change they make is still to have a scale build to measure it. Its of no measure when you touch the depths of a person's heart.

I know that there are many donor agencies out there. And yes there is some one out there with P1.00, $1.00, one pound, one Euro, etc and when many of us give,  we become just as powerful as the major donor agencies that are known around the world. People have made a difference in my own life as individuals and this can possibly be extended beyond myself as in auto mode - I am rightly placed to be the patron of what was done for me too.

I have been supported to be able to donate books to a government school and that was just a tip of the Power of  Individuals across the globe and locally.

Please send an email to and become one of us or to be a supporting partner in any form. The world today is not a globe, but a bulb, it provides light for all from one switch - Love for mankind.

Join me, let's make The wanted difference for individual souls. We can never help all people but we can help someone. I was once that some one who got the life changing and life saving help, let tomorrow be another someone, one day it may be many people. Please feel free to suggest any ideas and mostly feel free to become part of the the steering group.

I am your pal I am a Survivor
I Am your Pal I Am a Survivor
Kefodile Hope Pals reaching out

Onnie Mary Phuthe
Founder - Kefodile Hope Pals